Published on May 1, 2019 by Hazen Plastic
Living with oversized, heavy breasts can be physically and psychologically uncomfortable. The weight and mass of big breasts can cause aches and pains, and exercise and other physical activities can be challenging. Posture and breathing can suffer, and skin rashes and irritation may persist under the breasts. Furthermore, unwanted attention from others can be embarrassing and lead to problems like anxiety, depression and isolation.
Dr. Jill Hazen of Hazen Plastic Surgery P.A. offers breast reduction as a safe and effective solution to oversized, heavy breasts. During the procedure, excess skin, fat and glandular tissue are removed from the breasts to reduce their weight and size and create a more proportional breast shape.
Breast reduction has one of the highest patient satisfaction rates of any plastic surgery procedure, and is very often associated with a dramatic improvement in patient quality of life. Here, Dr. Hazen describes some of the specific benefits of having breast reduction.
Greater Self-Confidence
Most breast reduction patients experience a significant improvement in self-confidence after surgery. With more proportional breasts, women tend to feel less self-conscious and overall more comfortable in their own skin. They may feel more confident in pursuing new personal or professional opportunities. Most women feel better about wearing certain types of clothing like athletic wear, bathing suits and low-cut dress styles after breast reduction.
Reducing the size of the breasts can also improve or alleviate other mental health problems like anxiety, isolation and depression related to having oversized breasts.
Improved Personal Comfort
Breast reduction resolves a lot of the aches and pains associated with large breasts. Women are much less likely to experience the back, neck and shoulder pain and breathing/posture problems that are common with large breasts after.
Improved Ability to Exercise and Stay Active
After breast reduction, patients are able to exercise comfortably without large, heavy breasts interfering with their range of motion. It is also easier to stay active with sports and other activities.
If you have large, oversized breasts that cause you physical or psychological discomfort, you might be a good candidate for breast reduction. To discuss your candidacy and treatment options with Dr. Hazen, please schedule a consultation at Hazen Plastic Surgery P.A. today.